Tips to Keep a Home Safe during Holiday Travel
Rather than giving a burglar the information they need to break into a home, hold off posting travel photos and plans until after returning home.
We’re all worried about the security of our homes, especially during the holidays. We are all, by nature, social creatures. We live our lives connecting with others, but sharing travel information can lead to a potential home burglary.
Thankfully, our brains don’t work in a manner that has us searching for the vulnerabilities in someone else’s home or seeking out the best opportunities to break into their home. The problem is, though, that this is what burglars are seeking out.
Statistics show that burglaries increase one week before Thanksgiving through the end of the year because people tend to travel more, and there are often more valuables in the home from our holiday shopping. With that said, here are four tips to consider when traveling this holiday season.
Posting travel plans on social media
A fun trip is exciting, and we want to share that excitement with the social media world. After all, that’s what it’s there for: to connect with our friends and family. However, a burglar can capitalize on this information.
It is incredible how often potential burglars use social media to take note of a homeowner’s travel plans. By posting plans, homeowners give them the playbook, and the burglars mark their calendars, noting the exact dates perfect for them to break into a home.
Rather than giving a burglar the information they need to break into a home, hold off posting travel photos and plans until after returning home.
Don’t leave the garage door opener in the car at the airport
A car parked in long-term parking clearly indicates that the owner isn’t home. With that knowledge, a burglar can enter the car, learn the home address, then drive there and let themselves in through the garage. We suggest leaving the garage door opener at home or hiding it in the car or trunk.
Notify a neighbor
Homeowners should ask a trusted neighbor to monitor their house and inform them of any suspicious activity. Also, ask this neighbor to keep the porch clear of mail and newspapers while away.
Automation to deter burglars
Ensuring the house looks like somebody is home deters burglars, and home automation is a terrific solution. Add a motion sensor light or use timed lights, smart plugs, and smart light bulbs that can be controlled from anywhere.
Increase lock security
It’s easy to pick open a typical hardware store lock. Unfortunately, burglars are very good at this. The saying, “You get what you pay for,” is absolutely appropriate regarding locks. A $10 lock offers $10 in security on a door. The easiest way to add security to the doors is to purchase higher-quality locks. The prices are very reasonable, whNational Lock & Key is a licensed, insured, full-service commercial and residential locksmith serving Northern Virginia, Maryland, and Washington D.C. Contact us at (571) can help prevent the enormous headache and cost of stealing the homeowner’s possessions.
Many lock companies offer pick-resistant and pick-proof locks, as well as locks with key control. With key control, a regular hardware store cannot copy the keys, which puts the power back in the homeowner’s hands as to who has a key and who doesn’t. Locksmiths can come to the home and educate the owner on the best options for their needs.
National Lock & Key is a licensed, insured, full-service commercial and residential locksmith serving Northern Virginia, Maryland, and Washington D.C. Contact us at (571) 449-6495.