Keeping a Home Safe from Burglars During a Holiday Vacation
Keep vacation plans a secret as much as possible.
The holidays are the time of year when gifts and cheer flow freely, and many wait for the long winter holidays to travel. While family members and friends exchange gifts and celebrate the holidays prior to travel, others plan how many homes they can burglarize in a given time. Unfortunately, burglars also anxiously await this time of the year because so many homes are left unattended by their occupants.
There are steps homeowners can take to keep their homes safe while they are away. Read on to learn how.
Do not advertise vacation plans
Keep vacation plans a secret as much as possible. Do not post anything about vacationing on any social media platform. Spending a week-long (or longer) vacation in Norway, Finland, or Bali (because why not? Some people want a warmer Christmas with the prettiest sunset and, of course, the beach) can be exciting. Still, this simple update could lead the bad guys to spend quality time sorting through all the valuables left behind. There is no such thing as privacy on the internet, and those who want to will find their way through the information published. Prevent unsavory characters from digging through family belongings, and wait to post about the trip until it’s over.
Update home security
If the front door lock is not strong enough, upgrade it. Do the same with the backdoor. Upgrade the home security system. Buy a high-quality door lock for the front and back doors. Homeowners unsure of how to go about it should ask the local locksmith’s advice.
A weak door lock is a sure invitation that these burglars can easily bypass.
Ask neighbors for help
If there’s one reason to build a good relationship with the neighbors, it’s to ask them to keep an eye on the house while on vacation, knowing they’re willing to call the police to report any suspicious activity. Maintaining a healthy relationship with the neighbors goes a long way.
Make it look like someone is home
If it’s not too much to ask, ask the neighbors to do the following to make it look like someone is home. Consider a nice gift while traveling to bring home in exchange for their assistance.
Pick up the mail (or stop delivery through the postal service)
Mow the lawn
Occasionally park their car in your driveway
Set indoor and outdoor lights on timers
Consider installing a timer for the front porch light and several lights inside. Aside from automatically turning on and off the lights according to a set schedule, light switch timers are also great energy savers. Numerous kinds are available; many can be controlled from a cell phone or tablet.
Keep the curtains closed
It’s essential to keep valuables and expensive items out of sight. Do not give the burglars a reason to break into the house. This advice is also true for the cars. Do not leave valuables inside them, especially when they’re parked on the street.
Disable the automatic garage door opener
Experienced burglars can manipulate garage doors, from using basic tools like a coat hanger to hacking the garage door’s codes. Modern-day thieves have ways to break in quickly, but by disabling the automatic garage door opener, there’s no other way to get in besides the key.
Hide or dispose of boxes from gifts
Displaying the boxes of expensive gifts purchased out on the street is an automatic invitation to burglars. They are attracted to brand new stuff, like a brand new 50″ LED TV, no matter how big they can be.
Put away tools and ladders
Don’t give thieves tools to help them get inside. Keep plants and trees trimmed so they do not provide hiding places for burglars. Together with the outdoor lights and trimmed plants and trees, there will be nowhere for them to hide and do their tricks to break into the house.
Double and triple-check the door locks before leaving
Double-check that all windows and doors are locked before leaving. Also, homeowners who keep spare keys outside their houses in case of lockouts should collect them for safety.
Homeowners should take the extra step to protect their homes while on vacation. That way, they can fully enjoy, relax, and be confident that their homes are secure.
National Lock & Key is a licensed, insured, full-service commercial and residential locksmith serving Northern Virginia, Maryland, and Washington D.C. Contact us at (571) 449-6495.