Inexpensive Ways to Keep Burglars Out
Most professional locksmiths will check the home or business premises to ensure the owners have the proper locks and security features.
All homes and business premises are vulnerable to being broken into. However, homeowners can do a few things to make things more difficult for thieves. Burglars love properties that are quick and easy to get into, so ensuring the right doors and window locks can make them think twice about attacking a property.
Secure the residence – Making a home or business premises safe and secure does not cost much money, and finding a reputable locksmith to give a property a security check is not tricky. Most professional locksmiths will check the home or business premises to ensure the owners have the proper locks and security features.
Install correct locks – There is no point in having a well-built door if the standard of the locks is poor, and exterior doors must be fitted with the best locks possible. A good locksmith can advise property owners about which locks are most suitable for doors, and they will be able to ensure that a single key opens all locks.
How to avoid crime – Sometimes a property is so poorly secured it may as well have a giant neon sign on the roof saying, “I’m empty, burgle me!” Property owners must take as many precautions as possible when they are away for an extended period of time. Add bright, motion-activated security lighting, ask a trusted neighbor to park their car in the driveway, and install timers on the interior lights to turn on automatically at night.
Whenever moving into a different property, having all of the locks replaced or rekeyed is a good idea, as one can never be certain if the previous occupants still have a key, which would give them unfettered access to a home.
Be secure at home – To ensure that residents are safe, it is advisable to have CCTV cameras protecting the property and an intercom system. Homeowners won’t be taken by surprise by intruders at the front door.
National Lock & Key is a licensed, insured, full-service commercial and residential locksmith serving Northern Virginia, Maryland, and Washington D.C. Contact us at (571) 449-6495.